I have great respect for Ayanda MaNgubane Borotho for coining the term “Unbecoming to Become”. Her memoir “Unbecoming to Become”, is one of the most authentic books I have ever read. I think the book marries well with Steve Biko’s words, when he said, “The great powers of the world may have done wonders in giving the world an industrial and military look but the great gift still has to come from Africa – giving the world a more human face”.

To me, “Unbecoming to Becoming” is a call to action and an advocacy to become that which we already are, and by so doing give the world a more human face.

One of the ways in which we can give the world a more human face, is through purpose advocacy.

As Africans we come from a harsh history of oppression and continue to live with painful remnants of our past. It’s important that as we re-imagine a better future for our people, moving from unbecoming to become, that we bring to the fore, our reason for existence.

What is purpose for an African? Purpose confirms, no in fact screams out our human DNA. I think purpose for an African should be about going back to the core, and the core is that we are Humans, and we have an incredible contribution to make in the advancement of mankind.

 So, this month’s purpose thought is, purpose stands defiant of limiting beliefs told about us, and to be specific about the African. Purpose is, unbecoming everything the world has boxed you into and becoming everything that you were created to be.


Pen The Vision | Bongeka Mhlongo | 2020August