The sun embraces me with her warmth as I sit comfortably to pen some thoughts down. The year 2024 has been an interesting one. The beginning of this year shook me because of something unexpected that happened to me. When the time is right, I will share what happened...
We need to dig deeper into the 99% germs…
I was in my friend’s bathroom yesterday and my eyes spotted a particular bar soap next to the sink. Now, there was nothing particularly extraordinary about this observation because this soap has been around since my childhood and I have seen it in almost all homes...
Challenge the thought not the thinker!
For those of us who don’t exchange a product (e.g. food, insurance, clothes) or provide a tangible service like (Hairdressing; healthcare; hospitality etc.) for money what we essentially sell is ideas in exchange for an income. Those in the business of selling “ideas”...
Let activism live beyond the BIG campaigns…
I was watching one of my favourite talk shows recently and one of the guest speakers said something profound. I won’t get into the detail of his statement but the key thing he was trying to raise awareness about was that, collective societal transformation is more...
Opinion feet…
We live in a world where it seems like every Tom, Dick and Harry has an opinion. I suppose one of the triggers of this, is the fact that, the more advanced society becomes through technology and access to information at our finger tips, the more power lies in the...
Forensic Positives…
The SA Idols music show is amongst the few television programmes I really enjoy watching. Season 13 is underway and we have witnessed so many dreams being shattered at theatre week and so many dreams coming true with the selection of the top 10. I believe if season 13...
Real difference makers will not always get a standing ovation and it’s okay…
According to the free online dictionary the term making a difference means “To do something that really makes a difference in your community. People don't realize that their vote can make a difference”. ( I think we can all agree that of...
Tolerance has an expiry date…
It’s Idols season again in South Africa and I think most people in South Africa and across the world would agree that Idols is one of the biggest and most loved entertainment franchise shows, in the globe. We particularly love the discovery of new talent and of course...